Relationships with Wai and Nukutū
Who decides if hydrogen geostorage is socially and culturally acceptable?
The Relationships with Wai and Nukutū component of Pūhiko Nukutū explores mana whenua perspectives on hydrogen creation (destruction of wai), utilisation, and storage. Hui and wānanga will be held with Te Arawa, Tainui, Ngāi Tahu and Taranaki Iwi to socialize the Mauri-model Decision-Making Framework (MMDMF), develop mauri indicators, and co-design mauri0meter thresholds that denote flourishing or languishing changes in cultural, environmental and economic dimensions. This reaches across the other research aims. Software will be co-designed with Iwi to implement the MMDMF and enable their easy use. By considering the different ways Iwi can be impacted by geostorage, presented in their own indicators and thresholds, they can provide informed consent. A pro forma benefits and access agreement will be developed to formalize this.
Illustration of research programme integration using the mauri0meter framework. (A) For separate research strands, state indicators are developed (B) ranging from flourishing to languishing. (C) These are tracked through time and combined together with different weightings (black) reflecting worldview bias. The integration of the curve is the cumulative impact in mauri-years.