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Explore publications related to the Pūhiko Nukutū project
Thermodynamic and kinetic considerations of the link between underground hydrogen storage and reductive carbonate dissolution and methane production. Are limestone reservoirs unsuitable for UHS?
Published in the journal of Chemical Geology by Pūhiko Nukutū project members, this article investigates the technical feasibility of potential storage sites in Taranaki Basin.
Prospectivity analysis for underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in Taranaki Basin, Aotearoa New Zealand: A criteria-driven approach applicable to the technical requirements of UHS
Published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy by Pūhiko Nukutū project members, this article investigates the technical feasibility of potential storage sites in Taranaki Basin.
Molecular dynamics insights into gas-water interfacial tension: Optimizing hydrogen storage in subsurface conditions
Published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy by Pūhiko Nukutū project members Qiuhao Chang and David Dempsey, this article uses molecular dynamics simulations to analyse gas-water interfacial tension
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