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Geostorage Prospectivity

Where should hydrogen geostorage be deployed?


Example of a 3D geological model of a depleted gas reservoir and injection of hydrogen. Created in Leapfrog Energy by Matt Parker

The geostorage prospectivity component of Pūhiko Nukutū focuses on undertaking a screening assessment of hydrogen injection and withdrawal in two geostorage settings: (i) anthropic caves or abandoned mines, and (ii) sedimentary reservoirs in Taranaki. By focusing on both generic and site-specific geostorage projects, we ensure that our research is both Aotearoa-focused and internationally relevant.

We are applying geological, geophysical, geochemical and microbiological methods to characterise the reservoirs, seals, trapping structures, architecture, storage volume, microbial communities, and biogeochemical reactivity at potential sites.

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